Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Just like that.....!!!!

I came back after spending 4 days with the friends whom I have known for almost 10 years... and I felt so much like family......now i feeel homesick!!! :( nice weather... nice people.. nice homely food... and icing to the cake.. the company!!!
When i come back to this place.. the weather of all the things sucks!!! and I felt completely lost and empty here... so restless.. that I cant  calm myself down!! So many things going in the back of my mind..
 I walked down the memory lane of my school" NC state" and I felt sooo nice... all memories are not pleasant but still theres always an affinity to the place and the frnds. they def are family.. they the true u.. there is no drama... no region ... nothing.. u r just another struggling fellow student.... :)
       Money was a big deal during the school days but the company and people was not!! :) Now after working for almost 4 years i see that having money and not the right set of people.. doesnt really account well...
             I miss all you folks in Raleigh the most.... (my close set and the not so close set.... ) If there was a time machine i definitely would go back to that time and change some of the things...
So this doesnt mean the place i stay currently is not nice or people are not nice!! I am just going through this phase where decision making is important and crucial and I should not be ignoring things.
            I am just being stubborn and adamant for god knows what reason. To top it all.. work studies and life is making it all complicated with no comfort to look around....

Well enuf of ranting.. so as far as the trip goes, had fuun... went to the printing bureau in DC and saw how the money bills in the US are printed.... aint that amazing.. see how the notes are printed.. the walk in DC and the capital tour were all exciting, things that I had never done so far...and the musueums,, but u gotta spend a lot of time and it should be less crowded..... Raleigh was fun and shoppin in Richmond with 2 of my fav gals was amazing!! Oh yea, and the most imp incident was a reckless driving ticket at the border of VA and NC..... the cop was merciless I would say!!!  but I think i deserved it since I do sometimes speed more than needed...... its not just in the US but also in India....  so lesson learnt stop speeding cos that just change the ETA a lot!!! :D