Friday, October 29, 2010

My First Ever Blog!!!

Strange and Surprising.. how mind changes!!! I was a firm believer that i don want my thghts to be read or said aloud. But i guess as we move on to different phases and come across so many experiences in life that we at some point tend to become verbose!!!! I always thght of me as a person who would always wanna express her feelings by merely talkin... but here it is.. my feeelings.. my thghts....  my expressions.. in all. my reflections.. that i think i can pen!!

All in all I am looking forward to writing more. Also I have one person.. a very old( as in we have been frnds for a long time) frnd whos probably one of the major inspiration behind my start to blogging!!!

here I am,, in the world of Blogs.. !!!

Adieus for now!!

Will have more comin up soon..
