Monday, February 21, 2011

Good Ol NC State Days!!

Its been like 3 yrs and couple of months since I moved out from Raleigh!! And for some reason i have been missing the place and people a lot !!!!! School days were prolly the best you could ask for!! and just for that i could go back to school again ...... Those were days when you din have the time to think .. fast paced but u still had everyone in your support system. constantly surrounded by people whom u like to be with.. wow! thinking of it makes me feel good!! The days when i used to be sleeping at 8 am catch some sleep till 10 am  and then run to class with coffee being your major support system.
In the world of assignment , projects, deadlines , mid terms.......oh wow!! Will I be ever to do that sort of a thing again!! Not sure... Where there is a will.. there is a way.....hmm..
On campus jobs... searching for them. maintaining them.. There began the the pleasures of enjoying  hardearned money!!Thats when u start thinking of spending.. and saving.. I prolly learnt to save at the age of 21.. till then I just knew that i had to spend money carefully...
I miss those late night library outings and the quality time i had to spend studying and making sure i did well on exams and started to care more about my grades....I never missed the sunrise or the sunset.. and life still seemed to be always on the go.. eat on the go.. study on the go.. have fun on the go!!!
Most of the decisions would be random,.... the mall outings by changing 2 buses...window shopping.. looking for clearances... thats all the fun time used by.. random hang out at frnds place till late nite after an exam....All those moments seem to be soo precious!
Work life seems to make end to most of these things.. which makes me miss my school days and of all the school friends.... I wish i had a time machine.. !!! :)

1 comment:

  1. hmm..Even though my grad school days were among the best, I dont think I would want to go back to them. I dont think I can ever go back to any good (or bad) days. Because we change so much over the years, I am not sure I would enjoy the same things I enjoyed when I was in grad school (or coep for that matter). Maybe I will do a post on this ;) when my wrist gets better :D
